Water is fast becoming the largest threat to the comfort and financial strength of condominium buildings. There are thing you can do to minimize the dangers of water, especially as the temperatures are dropping.
Read more here.

Prevent dangerous ice dams on your roof

Condo rule in place since 1983 is too ‘harsh,’ outdated and must be overturned, says court
“After more than 35 years, a panel of judges in the Court of Appeal for Ontario has overturned a long-standing interpretation of condominium law, citing the law’s unnecessarily harsh effects.”
Understanding how the law affects your rights, and the financial and other implications, is a

Fires Due to Cigarettes Extinguished in Pots
With the frequency of fire losses in multi-family buildings this year, we wanted to send you information on the dangers of improper disposal of cigarettes in potting soil.
Please share this with your Managers, Boards, Owners and Tenants at all of your properties.
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Energy Efficiency Offerings
Energy efficiency is always a hot topic. Now more than ever, there are programs targeted to our home and condo owners. The LED lighting perks are always one of King Condo Management Inc.’s favourites.
We have been asked about the currently energy savings programs (and

Secure Your Condo! Part 2 of 2 (For Condo Boards)
For condo boards the onus is on you and your managers to maintain the integrity of the building. This goes beyond the bounds of routine maintenance and reserve fund projects. The following list contains several areas your condo board can focus on to heighten your security
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Secure Your Condo! Part 1 of 2 (For Owners and Residents)
The cold weather setting in, paired with the hard economic year in Alberta, is causing crime to thrive. Since 2003 crime rates have been steadily trending down. In 2015 we saw the first upward swing in over a decade. The crime severity index states for
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Do You Know Where Your HOA/Condo Fees Are Going?
It’s sad but true. Most owners dutifully pay their obligated fees, but few truly know where their dollars go.
The annual budget is truly important, as it reflects the decisions the condominium board has made. If your condominium fees are too high, this is the first document

#Parkade #Lighting – #Green #Savings!
There are many benefits to improving parkade lighting:
Lower maintenance costs
LED lighting systems are generally maintenance free for up to 50,000 hours of operation
Induction lighting systems are often maintenance free for up to 100,000 hours of operation

10 Ways to #Improve Your #Doorway
It is all well and good for me to blog about how to improve your outdoor space in order to increase the value of your home, but it is useless unless I give you concrete examples of how to do this! So here are the top
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The Impact of #Carbon #Tax
Let’s be honest. The carbon tax will increase the utility costs of your condominium significantly. For natural gas it will increase $1.01/GJ in 2017 and $1.52/GJ in 2018. The electrical costs will increase at the generation level as well.
So what can we do about